One reason to not buy an Xbox One

XboneSeeing as everyone from Forbes to is getting in on the next gen discussions, we felt that we should also weigh in on this important point.

As pretty much the only member of AR committing to this new set of plastic telly box things (Spann has a Wii-U but no one cares about that), I feel I am the most qualified to address this issue.

Here is the best reason not to purchase an Xbox One:


Yeah, that guy.


It started back in 1993 when I saw a picture of the Atari Jaguar. Others were talking about this PlayStation thing, others shook their heads and said that the SEGA Saturn was going to be badass. I laughed at both; sure the SEGA Saturn might have a chance because the Megadrive/Genesis was pretty amazing, but the new Sony console was a joke. A company that made music players couldn’t possibly last (something I remember saying to a schoolmate with great authority). What everyone should be getting involved in is the Atari Jaguar, I extolled.

It was going to be awesome for three clear reasons: the first was that it had Aliens vs Predator, the second was because it was 64-bit and the third was because it had more buttons. More bits and more buttons and a game licensed on a film franchise.

Needless to say we all know how that worked out.

A few years later, while everyone was going weird over pictures of the Gameboy Advance, I was playing on the Neo Geo Pocket Color. I clearly remember the day I asked my housemate (who happened to be Potter) to pick up a copy of Faselei, only to find that all the games had been recalled and SNK was in the process of falling apart.

Not long after that I found out that the Dreamcast I had just bought had also been discontinued and that no one gave a shit thanks to the PlayStation 2.

I am the ebola virus of video game console launches. You don’t have to go far to see that I regularly enjoy games that sell about two copies (the first thing I did when I moved to Montreal was buy a copy of Psychonauts).

I own a fucking Kinect for SEGA’s sake (ed: AJ likes to sub SEGA for Jesus Christ as, bizarrely, he seems to have more faith in them).

Basically, if there is one person you don’t want to side with in this embarrassment of willy waving, one person you don’t want to garner support from while you flog your overpriced pack of electronics, then that person is me.

I am buying an Xbox One.

May SEGA have mercy on it.



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10 responses to “One reason to not buy an Xbox One”

  1. Gregg B Avatar
    Gregg B

    That's great news! I hope the Xbone bombs purely because of what Microsoft were planning to do to consumers had they simply rolled over and taken it. I also hope people don't forget all that, but gamers being gamers, I'm sure they will. They're (we're?) spineless maggots. YOU'RE A MAGGOT AJ. Down with Uplay! Down with GFWL! Oh, wait…

    All the u-turns as well; bless the internet for 'Xbone 180'. Microsoft, you walked straight into it.

    1. badgercommander Avatar

      I liked GFWL theoretically.

      I've never signed up for Uplay and I don't play EA games online because I have to sign up for an account.

      But when there is Crimson Dragon and Dead Rising 3 to play…

      Also Fighter Within looks amazing.

  2. Edd B Avatar
    Edd B

    When there's willy waving embarrassment to be had, AJ stands alone!

    1. badgercommander Avatar

      We aren't referring to a specific incident are we Edd?

  3. badgercommander Avatar

    I am now convinced by this article, I am cancelling my pre-order.

    Oh wait.

  4. Minh T Avatar
    Minh T

    Funny, YOU were the reason i bought an Xbox 360.

    1. badgercommander Avatar

      I think Earth Defense Force 2017 is the main reason you bought an Xbox 360. That and Senko No Ronde.

  5. guillaumeodinduval Avatar

    Does this mean you'll still come play Warframe with me on PC instead of PS4? We can troll PS4 players together! Tell them ''how great the game feels when played with a USB Xbox360 controller''?

    I wouldn't be surprised though that the PS4 allow you to use a USB Xbox360 controller if you want to. So I guess that ruins it for my trolling days.

    1. badgercommander Avatar

      I have heard about a bunch of PS4 exclusives that will probably convince me to get a PS4 (Kingdoms under Fire 2, Warframe, Jonathan Blow's stuff). The thing is, it is those big boy titles that are so tantalising.

      Dead Rising 3 is just too damn tempting, and even if it is going to be rubbish I want to play Crimson Dragon. And then there are the car crashes like Loco Cycle and Fighter Within.

      1. guillaumeodinduval Avatar

        Haha, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to convince you to get a PS4; I'm trying to convince you to check how Warframe runs on your PC (if you have any) and get to convince yourself you are playing an Xbox version of it with an Xbox360 controller… alongside PS4 players.