This part 5 of a 5 part series in which AJ examines games and game culture. This final part is on the Rave-themed 90s thriller Hackers. Read more after the break, obviously.
To put it mildly, Hackers is a confused mess. An anachronistic, befuddled piece of techno babble that, as I re-watched it, I desperately tried to figure out what the director and writers were aiming at when they conceived this stillborn idea.
The story begins with an 11 year-old Dade Murphy being sentenced for crashing multiple (1,507) systems. His punishment is a fine and the removal of his computer until he is 18. There is no attempt to imply that he is innocent, yet the scene is presented as some kind of childhood trauma. Like taking this kid’s computer is the worst crime, rather than being akin to telling a serial stabber he can’t play with knives any more. The film fast-forwards seven years and you see the late teen Dade (played by Jonny Lee Miller) hack into a TV station, disrupt the transmission and put on The Outer Limits.
The first scene is confusing in its bizarre juxtaposition, we are meant to sympathise with this child and yet the crimes he has committed are clearly not a good thing. Then,when married with the second scene, it’s clear the film has no idea what it is trying to say.
Dade is supposed to be cool, misunderstood and rebelling against the ‘system’ and ‘the man’ that is supposed to make him awesome in teenage eyes. Really, though, the film turns him into a right-wing wet dream. The sort of thing you see them tut over when an offender is given a second chance and repeat offends as soon as he gets the chance, or a pathetic addict who can’t help himself. Worse yet, Dade is dressed like a reject from a Mad Max film.
This warped, contradictory philosophy continues throughout. (is this some kind of theme in video game films? – Ed) Dade and his misfits are meant to be rebelling but it is unclear as to what they are rebelling against, only that whatever it is makes them cool for opposing it. They all have names like ‘Serial Killer’, ‘Acid Burn’ and ‘Lord Nikon’ and have no qualms about setting off fire alarms, damaging property and tampering with traffic lights to cause accidents – because it is all about sticking it to the man. Yet the main villain, ‘The Plague’, is also a hacker, one who happens to be ripping off a major corporation for 25 million dollars that it won’t even notice – yet he, apparently, needs to be stopped. Ignoring the fact that he is also sticking it to ‘the man’ – and far more effectively – the film justifies this by stating that he has also released a virus which will cause catastrophe. A virus that was conveniently unleashed after one of the ‘good’ hackers broke in and stole a bunch of files.
So these misfits have to return the money, stop the virus and save the day…
“Hi, you might remember me as the killer in Scream that wasn’t Skeet Ulrich. No? Never mind then.”
This utterly bodged-together plot about cool, misunderstood kids facing off against discombobulated, stuffy and corrupt adults could have done with some half-decent acting, given the terrible dialogue and narrative, but no it was not meant to be. Miller is bland and stilted throughout his performance as the teenager he is five years too old to play. None of the personality nor spark he would display as Sick Boy on Danny Boyle’s Trainspotting, only a year later, is apparent here. Angelina Jolie is equally tepid as the love interest. The supposed verbal sparring and non-existent chemistry between the two is nothing but painful.
“Seriously, if you must see my breasts go watch Gia. I get off with girls and everything.”
The rest of the cast do their best to try and act up and be the zany archetypes required of the laughable script, the best of whom is Jesse Bradford (who plays the put upon Joey), but constant gurning from all involved is at the heart of what I find to be wrong with the film’s portrayal of gamers and gaming. It really has no idea about the culture it is trying to portray and instead conjures up some kind of imposed fantasy of how we nerds would supposedly like to appear. For instance, its protagonists are all dayglo ravers with ‘crazy’ hair cuts and ‘wacky’ physical ticks that are supposed to make them the most awesome people ever.
That is not nerd culture. Hackers just don’t look like this:
Unless they are LARPing as Jackie Chan and the Hawaian shirt douchebags
They look like this:
Yes, taken from the same film. Why is it that nerds are excited about an Olympic swimming pool? It makes no sense.
Secondly, the film makes attempts at making hacking look as slick and colourful as its characters. As if hacking doesn’t involve plenty of time just looking at bits of random characters, altering them and seeing what APIs you can access as a result, the film has glorified screensavers swirling around on each computer with hacking taking mere minutes rather than hours of mind-numbing code crunching.
The Internet Super Highway is a real highway, too. Towards the beginning, where we see the streets of New York turn into a motherboard, I thought that perhaps they meant this to be symbolic but no, in the very next scene the computer guys are looking at it on a screen. It’s meant to be both metaphorical and literal.
Thirdly, the point on which it most fails is the clear lack of a proper technical advisor on the set. Even if you ignore the crappy symbolism and the Ritalin kids that are so desperate to like Nirvana and Orbital, it is impossible to not shake your head at how out of date Hackers already was on release in 1995. The acceleration of hardware during that period was so ramped-up that referring to any piece of hardware by horsepower was bound to sound antiquated within months. Anyone worth their salt would have told them to remove nods to 16MB of RAM and the like from the already ham-fisted chunks of exposition.
Hackers is an anachronistic embarrassment, both in terms of multi-coloured disenfranchisement (put paid to by Trainspotting soon after) and grasp of the subject matter (making Sneakers look positively with it). With awful acting, terrible writing, uninspired cinematography and a mixed-up stupid message that makes no sense, Hackers was a film that should have been avoided at the time. Now it stands as a shameful example of 90s ‘culture’.
Director: Ian Softley
Starring: Jonny Lee Miller, Angelina Jolie, Jesse Bradford, Matthew Lillard, Fisher Stevens
One to ignore: Pretty much all of them, Fisher Stevens was pretty good in Factotum
One to watch: Wendell Pierce. That’s right:
It’s the m****rf***ing Bunk!!!
If you do not get this reference please go and read my review of Stay Alive.
PS: Someone told me to mention that the soundtrack is awesome, so instead of watching this film just go and buy the CD or whatever it is that people do in the real modern age of electronic transactions.
9 responses to “Hackers: The Film: The Review”
Holy conversation-expressed-with-nothing-but-the-work-fuck. Wendell is in this too???
I've never seen Hackers but what I did see of it looked, urm, juvenile. And anything involving computers has to be rendered into some godszmawful CGI type thing. (see also: Lawnmower Man). (see also: Weird Science) (see also: Disclosure)
Hollywood thinks real IT people are boring and computers are boring. Scientists often get a raw deal as well…
Thanks Harbour Master for reminding me of Lawnmower Man. When I first started reading the reviews I wondered if he would write about this movie and could not for the life of me remember the title.
I saw it a few years after it came out so I must have been about 7 and all I could think was; WTF?
Maybe I'll waste two hours of my life again and see what the hell was that movie about.
Also, there's a scene in that movie that, for a 7 year old, was kinda traumatizing….
Yeah, as soon as I watched Stay Alive I could already see how this series was going to end. You got have a good punch line.
It is just so sad that they don't get it. Sure, IT and Science might not be visually engaging but there are ways to make it interesting. I just read the Cryptonomicon and some of the bits where they talk about encryption is utterly fascinating.
As for Wendell Pierce, I am tempted to do Bunk marathon and just watch a bunch of Wendell Pierce films. He has been in so many random films.
I don't actually disagree with anything AJ said in this review but I still love Hackers, It's one of a small number films that I tend to re-watch once every few years or so. The terrible CGI hacking sequences entertain me because they're so bad, I still laugh every time I hear '16mb RAM' or '28.8 bps modem'. In pretty much every scene there's something to mock and laugh at, for example near the end when 'Zero Cool' is wearing some kind of VR goggle over one of his eyes, even to a 90's audience it would have been obvious that it doesn't serve as any kind of aid towards his hacking prowess.
It also brings back memories from the 90's and serves to remind me how glad I am that certain aspects of those years are far behind us. I think the reason AJ hates this film so much is not because it's a terrible film, but because anytime this film is brought up in conversation pretty much everybody will start saying how much they love it and start spewing quotes from the film e.g. 'HACK THE PLANET' and then AJ will have this look on his face like he wants to kill something…. ;)
You mean the same look he gets as when people talk about how great they think Macs are?
I despise this movie as well but I think that has to do with the fact that I saw it for the first time (and only time) about 6 or 7 years ago. Perhaps if I'd seen it when it first came out I'd have a different take on it and be apart of the Hackers cult. Being such a late comer doomed the movie for me from the start. The reason I think this, is because as Habour Master mentioned there are equally horrible scenes in Lawnmower Man but it has a nostalgic soft spot in my heart because I saw that around the time it came out.
Watching Child's Play for the first time a few months back was really tough, but I still love Garbage Pail Kids…
I watched Hackers at the time and thought it was terrible then, and it irks me how people still get this giddy, stupid look on their face when they talk about this film. Exactly the same way they get when they talk about Macs. So, naturally, I look the same way when they do either.
At least the Hoo-Ha over 'The Matrix' has died down a bit, there is nothing as embarassing as excited Nerds.
So NEXT time you're in London, I'm going to ask you to explain what's so cool about Vanquish and secretly take film of your tale and then put it up on Youtube with the title
"There is nothing as embarrassing as excited nerds, AJ"
Touche, although I've never considered myself a nerd as I fail to understand how my PC works.