Tag: xbla
NYR: Greed Corp
An Ass’s Greed.
I Am Alive: Review
Blind, choking on dust, clutching precious bullets, waving bottles of wine around like a loon: it’s Spann with his take on Ubisoft’s I Am Alive.
Has XBLA peaked? A response to Ron Carmel of 2D Boy
AJ speaks his mind on Ron Carmel’s rant about XBLA.
Bastion: Review
AJ plays Bastion and finds the saying ‘hate the game, not the player’ is not always correct.
Review: Burnout Crash!
Crashing and burning.
Review: From Dust (XBLA)
Whether your hobbies include constructing flood barriers or dropping tons of lava onto helpless human beings, From Dust is for you.
Review: Beyond Good & Evil HD
Last chance to stick on some nu-metal, baggy jeans and wallet chains: this is retro gaming like it’s 2003.
You Have Gained A Task: Torchlight Hardcore Mode Adventures Pt2
The continuing adventures of Simon Fightman, Fighting Man extraordinaire.
Torchlight is out, again! – it’s Friday!
Status: playing Torchlight.
Review: Stacking
Stacking is the latest downloadable offering from Double Fine, and it’s an imaginative if very easy-going puzzle game with a whole load of style but not much in the way of substance.